Scholarly Paper Submissions


Contributions should address your views of current international ethical dilemmas such as religious fundamentalism, nuclear brinkmanship, freedom, economic opportunity, democracy, and other issues that you feel may be of particular interest to the global public.

Instructions to Submit a Paper for Webinars

Your Proposal Should Include:

         1. Primary Presenter / Contact Person

Name, title and position, (high school student, college student, graduate student, post graduate, non student), institution, mailing address, email address, and phone number.

2. Other Presenters

Name, title and position, institution, mailing address, email address, and phone number.

3. Title

The title to be  printed in the conference program,which is given to all participants at the conference.

4. Abstract

Descriptions of the paper for publication online (up to 250 words). Make your abstract interesting and accurate. 

5. Audio / Visual 

If submitting either, Indicate whether you plan to provide a Flash or other type of video format and/or if you are preparing Audio. 

6. Signatures Required 

“I attest that all authors are listed on this form and they have all agreed to participate."
Paper/Audio/Video Description
of the program you are submitting. Include topic description, learning outcomes, and format. This information will  be used by CEFE editors  to evaluate for inclusion in the magnet nation event proceedings.

Complete the form below - Submit:

Full name:
 * required
Email address:
 * required