Select from among two answers provided for each question.
Answer all questions and pick the answer that more closely comes closest to your position.
Answering all questions
will provide you with a more accurate indicator of whether you are indeed a MUG WUMP.
This is an excellent evaluation of how much you have
in common with co-workers, employees and the public in general.
Click the arrow > to reveal both answers in order to select
the ONE that fits you best.
Mug Wump survey is an effective way to analyze and determine how individuals really make ethical decisions. The results
are helpful in understanding both the friction and cooperation we may encounter from those around us including family, friends,
employees, supervisors and business associates. Will you take the survey, to see what kind of ethical decision maker you are?
It will give you an inside track on how they view our moral compass as well.
There are NO right or wrong
answers. The combination of the answers determine what side of two major ethical theories we may personally lean
in making ethical decisions most of the time. If we somehow do not fall strictly on one side or the other, then we fall into
that great catch all category of peace makers called MUG WUMPS --these are the ones who can look at arguments most of the
time from both sides of these competing ethical theories and choose the one that best suits the situation.All decisions are
at one time or another based on how we ascribe certain personal values to each scenario whether it it political, religious,
or economic.