CEFE Fellowship Application
Please Complete All Fields


 * required
What is your education level? Check all that apply.
hold shift key to select more than 1
Tell us about yourself and why you want to become a CEFE Fellow.
Are you willing to volunteer your time to personally train and then to voluntarily teach and demonstrate to others how to create and develop community sponsored entrepreneurship
How much time can you devote to being a CEFE Fellow?

Below is the  CEFE Code of Ethics. Please read and return to the form to click on one of the answers provided.


 * required

Character Pledge

  1. To be honest and fair in all my dealings with CEFE and all CEFE FELLOWS when representing myself, or in my representations of my organization.

  2. To respect the time and privacy of all associates and Fellows of CEFE.

  3. To always show courtesy and respect to the public.

  4. To fulfill my leadership responsibilities and sustain the highest level of professionalism.

  5. To abstain from making any claims for or on behalf of CEFE without the express prior approval of the Director or Associate Directors.

  6. To sustain the highest levels of integrity in dealing with the public, the press, government agencies, or other organizations with whom I may come in contact due to my association with CEFE or in my role as a CEFE Fellow.

  7. To assure that all work undertaken for CEFE as a Fellow, whether written or spoken, is properly cited, researched, and acknowledges the proper authority according to generally established standards for published and spoken academic research.

  8. That I am, who I say I am, and I will, to the best of my ability, always uphold the highest standard of ethical behavior as a Center for Entrepreneurship, Freedom and Ethics  (CEFE) Fellow.
