Corporate Training Programs
designs programs to meet demanding needs of displaced employees being furloughed, downsized, or asked to take early
retirement. Programs include proprietary programs in Financial Survival and How To Create, Start, and Succeed in Entrepreneurial Ventures.
Workplace Effectiveness
The programs above were
developed originally by CEFE Fellows for Fortune 500 companies, including AT&T, General
Motors Corp., Ford Motor Company, along with super-size unions including the Brotherhood of Electrical
Workers, the Communications Workers of America, the Teamsters, the AFL/CIO, and the Auto Workers of America. Each
program appeals to a specific needs at all levels of an organization's work-force from the top management to
entry level employees. Our programs are custom designed, unique one of kind to fit the organization and its needs.
Exit Training Modules
example, Exit Training Modules are designed for firms whose employees are impacted by workforce
reductions including furloughs, involuntary early retirement and/or downsizing. These programs offer life preservers
and safety nets for an affected individuals personal financial survival regardless of their former position in a sponsoring
organization. Learning begins with how to cope with being displaced (a life altering event) and how to take advantage of the
new freedom. This training is especially suited for official government agencies, public and private companies, non profits
and NGO's as well.